Posts for year 2020
The Wisdom of the Masternodes
The masternodes may be able to identify a Nash equilibrium quicker than they can hash a transaction.
Dash Investment Foundation Goals
Proposed 2020-2021 goals for the DIF and a minimal success condition.
It Just Ain't So
Sometimes the most valuable lesson is learning what not to do. Emotions can often lead us down unproductive paths.
Effective Nationalization of Corporate Credit
When the central bank of the United States buys corporate debt without exposure to risk if default, these bonds become mispriced for general investors.
Don't Believe the Hype!
Markets reactions don't always reflect the quality of the news. If expectations of future events are too high markets can go the opposite way.
Bitcoin Cash Considers Prisoner's Dilemma
Bitcoin Cash considers a dev fund which sets up a prisoner's dilemma type situation.
A Short Introduction to LaTeX
LaTeX does not require much to lean. A short introduction like this one should get you going.
On Data Integrity
How will your great grand children know that information on the screen is from our time?