10 Reasons Why You Should Install Linux
Number 10: It's Free (and legal)
If you have an old computer sitting around. Before you throw it out, consider installing linux on it. That's one of the best ways to evaluate if linux is right for you. Maybe you will decide that you can put off your next computer purchase. In such a case, it's better than free; it's saving money.
Number 9: Impress Your Friends and Colleagues
Time for a personal story. At Purdue my advisor said there was software that would compute what he asked me to calculate. I was able to look up the program that did the calculations and bang on the keyboard until it worked. I remembered that I ran the computer in run level 1 which didn't use a graphical interface. That way I was able to devote the whole computer to these calculations. These calculations could take days if they completed at all.
Number 8: Don't Waste Your Computer
It is generally true that the proprietary operating systems basically use more and more of your computer. Eventually they become so bloated that old hardware cannot be supported anymore. With linux it generally will run on anything. For extremely old hardware you might choose a version of linux that is less demanding.
Number 7: Tools Tools and More Tools
With linux you can really set up computers to do whatever computers do. Need a print server? Linux has you covered. Want to have a shared drive in your house? The tools to do that with linux are out there. These tools could be too costly otherwise.
Number 6: Set a Good Example
If you use linux, your children will naturally have questions about what you're doing. This can be a real opportunity to teach your children about computers. Being proficient at linux is a skill that jobs are based on. Also young people can be given a device where internet access has been restricted. I don't know what's the best age to introduce the internet to children, linux provides the option of providing computer expierence without the internet. That is assuming that your kids don't hack their own computer. If they do, then pivot that into a marketable skill.
Number 5: Generally Linux Doesn't Have Malware
Linux currently doesn't have a large market penetration. This means that it's not as an attractive target for hackers. That is, exploits of other operating systems might have more penetration and therefore a larger payoff.
Number 4: Linux Has a More Secure Architecture
Linux generally is operating with restrictive privileges. This means if a hacker does get control of a part of the computer there's still another step before the hacker can completely control the computer. This architecture can prevent malware from spreading. Since the source is open, anyone can inspect the code for vulnerabilities, and anyone can fix them. With a proprietary operating system the only people who can find vulnerabilities are paid to find them.
The command sudo
is used to signal that expanded privileges are to
be used.

Number 3: Herd Immunity
These two facts that there hackers have fewer targets and that those targets are hardened against attack provides something like herd immunity. Which is what happens when a sizable proportion of a population is vaccinated. Basically a virus cannot spread through a population when a high proportion of individuals are immune.
Number 2: Linux is Really Geared for Productivity
Since Linux is a product of the open source community all the tools that are needed for open source development are included with each install. Many programming languages that aren't included are just a command away to install. Most installs include Open Office which can replace other office products.
Number 1: You Will Actually Own Your Computer
By installing linux you will have full access to all of your computer. Open source software generally have very permissive terms of use. When you use a proprietary product the license terms generally very restrictive as to what you are allowed to do with your computer, and surveillance you must accept. When the source there are no restrictions.
If your computer updates, despite your protest, who really owns that computer?